Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully Shocking Facts Ab

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

Big Brother 18 spoilers reveal that Michelle Meyer isn’t just a bully inside the BB18 house – she was bullying other Big Brother houseguests before she even got into this season’s game. And what’s most shocking about Michelle’s bully behavior is that her own brother tried to kill himself because of bullying. That makes her antics in the BB18 house even worse.

In her Big Brother 18 bio, Michelle Meyer listed among her favorite activities “going on Reddit” but that’s a vast understatement. Michelle is extremely active on the social media outlet and her comments on her profile Reddit/michelleoelle reveal that there’s some real malice on display there and she’s even made snarky comments about the veterans that are now playing in BB18 with her.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

Michelle made lots of comments on the Big Brother episode of The Price is Right on which Frankie Grande (BB16), Da’Vonne Rogers (BB17 and BB18) and James Huling (BB17 and BB18) appeared. Michelle said of Frankie “OMG Frankie I want to puke” and while that’s not nice, she’s entitled to her opinion but she didn’t stop there.

She also added “hashtag Frankie sucks” and “how many pounds of makeup is Frankie wearing tonight?” plus “did anyone else just see Frankie’s pissed off duck face.” Like Frankie or not, she’s being awfully unkind about another human and terribly critical of his appearance. But Michelle didn’t stop at Frankie, though.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

Is there a chance James saw her Reddit comment about him on the Big Brother edition of The Price is Right? She said: “James looks super short lol” but height shaming is not okay. James has no choice in his height and seems like a really nice guy. She also called another Big Brother player a “fame whore.”

Michelle also created a mean GIF of Meg, James’ pal from BB17, and posted it (see below). As a point of fact, Michelle knows that she’s been a troll on Reddit because she told Paul that she didn’t want to give out her Reddit handle because she’s worried about BB18 viewers going out and rifling her history and scrutinizing what she’s said.

Seems like Michelle wants to try and keep her online trolling on the down low, but she can’t hide what she’s been doing in the house…

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

Michelle has focused her in-house BB18 hating on Bridgette Dunning and brought the same level of spite into the house that she brings to her Reddit commentaries. But it gets more stunning when you check out Michelle’s personal history. It seems like she should lay off the Frankie gay bashing and James body shaming when her own brother was bullied in real life.

Michelle shared on her Reddit feed that her brother tried to kill himself because of bullying and depression. So shouldn’t that make Michelle more sensitive to the topic of bullying and less prone to bullying others? It’s one thing for Michelle to make unkind comments about people that she watches on Big Brother while she’s a viewing fan at home.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

Maybe when Michelle was commenting on Big Brother in the past, she didn’t see the houseguests as “real” people since they were on her TV. But now that Michelle is in the BB18 house, these are people she’s interacting with face-to-face yet she’s still not being humane. Plus, Michelle is aware that she’s been awful.

Michelle worried out loud on the Live Feeds that she wouldn’t be able to get a job after BB18 because she may be seen as a bully. If she can’t get a job, that’s karma since she told viewers via the Live Feeds that they should all call and get Bridgette fired from her nursing job and said she hoped that Bridgette never worked as a nurse again.

Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Michelle Went From Cyberbully to Real Life BB18 Bully – Shocking Facts About Mega-Hater in the House

What do you think BB18 fans? Is Michelle doubly wrong to be bullying Bridgette when her brother tried to kill himself from being bullied? Why is CBS not showing Michelle’s horrible behavior? Share your comments below on Michelle’s online and real-life meanness.

Check back with CDL often for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers and news.
